Friday, February 11, 2011

Math and Why People Quit MLM

I know what you're thinking- "What does math have to do with MLM?"

Well, math shows the reason that many people quit their Network Marketing Businesses.

People normally think linearly. One apple plus one apple makes two apples. But, as is mentioned in Rich Dad, Poor Dad by R. Kyosaki and attested to by many others, leaders learn to think geometrically.

Let me explain. Picture a pond. You have a lily that can double itself every day. You plant it in the pond. At the end of 40 days, say, your pond is completely covered with lilies. Now, go back a day to day 39. Your pond is only half covered by lilies. It's still pretty. Go back 5 days. You've been weeding that pond for 35 days; you've put it 87% of the effort needed to grow those lilies. But, only 3% of the pond is covered by those lazy lilies. Nobody in their right mind would keep working on the lilies. Nobody who didn't understand geometric progression, that is.

Network Marketing works geometrically. It takes almost forever to get started, but if you don't quit, something starts slowly happening, then it takes off.

Don't give up!

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